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Poster / Oral Presentation

We are pleased to announce that a poster/oral presentation session will be made available to the SEAMS School participants. This session provides a less formal opportunity to share your work with other scholars.


If you are interested, kindly submit the following information via email entitled Poster/Oral Presentation at SEAMS School to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 3rd of July 2018:

1. Presentation title

2. Brief abstract (max 200 words)

3. Name

4. Email

5. Affiliation


Based on the display space, the maximum size for posters will be 420 mm width x 594 mm height (A2 size). Certificate of appreciation will be given to each presenter and recognitions will be awarded to best poster and oral presentations. Kindly note that the acceptance of your poster/oral presentation is upon first come first serve basis.